
Room 4 - Level 4 

15:00 - 16:00 


Talk (60 min)

Custom Elements, or How to Make it Easy for People to Use Your Code

Making your application available for a customer to integrate in their site can be hard. Maybe they can iFrame your application, maybe add some parameters to get it in their look and feel. But I’ve never really liked the iFrame route if I could avoid it.


You can make your API available and they can code against that in their own software to use your back end. But that can be a lot of work.

Wouldn’t it be great to just let them add one or more tags to their page, and it works out of the box?

Welcome to Custom Elements! You build the components yourself, and the users can just add a link to a script file, add a custom element to their page and it’s done! They don’t need to install anything locally, they don’t need to call your APIs directly, and there is no iFrame in sight!

In this session we are going to look at the power of custom elements, and make one ourself using Vue. When you leave here you’ll be ready to bring your code to your customers web sites without the hassle of integrating directly with their systems!

Stacy Cashmore

Speaker, author, and software developer. Stacy has been developing solutions since the mid-1990s in various companies and industries ranging from facilitating contract jobbing to allowing consumers to close a mortgage without the help of a financial adviser – with lots in between.

She has a passion for sharing knowledge: using storytelling for sharing her experiences to help teams grow in the ways that they develop software and work together and performing live coding demonstrations to inspire others to try new technologies.

Stacy has just published her first book, aimed at helping developers get started building dynamic applications using C#, Azure Functions, and Azure Static Web Apps.

For her effort in the community, Stacy has been awarded the Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies since 2020.